We are pleased to offer this “Queen of the Hills” complex, a highly mineralized and rich gold bearing 1,064+ acre (1.67 square miles or 53 mining claims) area. This complex area of Queen of the Hills is referred to as both the Eureka Mining District and associated/incorporated into the “Morning Glory” investigation reports. This site was established in early 1880s and more extensively worked until 1910 (when spot value of gold at that mining era started plummeting).

Queen of the Hills

53 unpatented lode mining claims
Lemhi County, Twn 22N, Rng 21E, Sec. 02, 11 & 14

Exterior Dimensions


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During operation timeframe, the mine produced around 4,000 ounces of gold, most being extracted by a 15-stamp mill located on the claim. The actual Queen of the Hills adit extending approximately 9000’ with the stope/shafts extending 400’ from the original portal (mine opening) elevation. With reported reserves of at lease 2,000,000 ounces through just the Queen of the Hills existing vein structure. Please see Geological Reports as well as Misc Reports for further information.

  • Besides the actual Queen of the Hills adit, mine, shafts & entire underground infrastructure area, this complex covers dozens of other adits, mines and exposed vein activity, expanding 1.2 miles to north to .75 of a mile to the south.
  • With the Jervois Mining company working farther to the west, the existing main road access is improved to meet MSHA requirements.
  • Additional & currently accessible (by 4WD vehicle) roads throughout complex to access various adits spread across site. Some adits do appear to be on the same Queen of the Hills vein structure.
  • With this complex residing at an elevation between 5200 to 6200 feet, on the east facing range immediately adjacent to the Salmon River basin (elevation of 3900’), means that this site is accessible earlier in the spring then even the Morning Glory or King Solomon mining sites (several miles to the west), which means less roads to maintain &/or plow through the winter for year-round work.
  • The actual Queen of the Hills mine adit is only a mere 4.5 miles off HWY 93, with full services and lodging in Salmon, Idaho at 9 miles from complex. This reduces costs considerably in mobilization, contract work, labor, fuel, trucking/ore extraction, etc.
  • Extensive reports & data, with detailed logs, geological reports, core drilling & assays on recovery rates. 
  • The entire complex has been staked to federal and state law, with backing gps data logs (found on this website).

This is being sold, as we understand our own limitations in resources, equipment, financial backing and experience to make this into the exceptional production site that it is. We also don’t plan to be wrapped up in the day to day ongoings of a production site of this magnitude.

We are “starting” the offers of this sale at $300,000.

Offer Starting Price:


In working with several larger mining companies for years, who are newly invested in Idaho, it is our goal to reach out to many of these larger scale companies & corporations that have the resources and expertise to properly set this up, to see what interest they may have in acquiring this site. Aside from this website, we intend to get advertisements out to various national and international mining journals and magazines offering this opportunity.