We acquired the smaller Queen of the Hills complex (of 7 mining claims or 145 acres) from the family who had this site passed down for generations. With my background in geology (the bearing of Queen of the Hills vein structure) as well as knowledge in what today’s larger industry mining company’s operational needs are for expansion and improvements, etc., we developed this complex out to its current 53 mining claim complex.

We have found through investigative research, that there is ability to expand this even further (while it is available) to the north, some to the northwest (over some of the Morning Glory complex) and to the south. The annual upkeep on these existing 53 mining claims is $8,754.00 due to the Department of Interior (BLM) on or before September 1st each year. This entire complex is paid and in good standing until 9/1/2023.

Additional Services
There are (as of 12/10/22) available adjacent areas beyond the current “Queen of the Hills” complex being illustrated (further to the south, north and intermittent to the northwest). We can assist in additional acquisition of adjacent ground, which holds good geological records. With our companies being local, we will only consider this through offers being accepted (for the existing Queen of the Hills complex) or separate contract rates after the sell. While you can validate our experience by looking at our various companies existence and information from contact links, please be aware of our various company’s extensive knowledge in state & federal laws (related to mining), engineering background to plot these areas out, along with experience in staking (verified to a client through pictures & gps), knowledge in appropriate state & federal filing of claims, as well as being the facilitator of the Morning Glory sales (where some vein structures should pass through on the northerly end of the Queen of the Hills complex).