We are “starting” the offers of this sale at $300,000. Make an Offer or Contact Us with your own form

Please understand, with our experience in working with several larger mining companies here in Idaho for, we recognize & are aware that sites like this could see sales, plus additional royalties which could FAR exceed $750k (especially considering all the backing data, rich history and proven ground this site has), however, with the other various mid-scale placer operations that we operate & manage, just an outright sell of this complex is preferred at this time.

Through this format, we will accept offers and ensure that all of the documentation can be reviewed thoroughly. We will also be updating (within 48 hours) the “starting offer” price (to reflect the current highest “acceptable” offer), as new offers come in, so that there is a clearer understanding of where things currently stand. This will enable companies to submit multiple offers if needed (before the close), At the close all offers will be reviewed, and we will notify all parties within 48 hours of our acceptance or denial to the various offers. The caveat to this, if an offer comes in at $750,000 (or higher), this will be considered a “Buy it Now” price, where the website will come down (within 48 hours) & we will not be considering any other offers. As such, we will notify any parties with lower offers of the acceptable offer and pending sale

For example; if an offer of $750,000 comes in the same 48 period of a $751,000 offer, then the $751k offer will be accepted (no matter the timestamp of which offer came in first). ***

We are aware that transactions, for operations like this can be “handled” in many different ways, such as;

  • an annual lease contract for additional investigation and core sampling, with pending contract to acquire mining site;
  • leasing while extraction & mining is being conducted, with first right of refusal;
  • outright sale;
  • sales plus royalties;
  • any intermixed way an attorney can creatively come up with a deal.

However, at this time, we are more interested and will be entertaining (be taking more seriously), just an outright sale of the “Queen of the Hills” complex. That being said, we will also consider ALL other offers that come to the table, to keep an open working relationship and consider all possibilities presented.

Furthermore, with the significant increase in the amount of larger mining companies that are now (within the last 2 to 3 years) moving into Idaho, due to the ease of state & federal regulations to process, mine & get plans established, as well as Idaho being known for its highly mineralized and rich history, we expect that the right offer will present itself that meets our needs.

As part of the sale;

  • 100% of all of the electronic data that is found on this website will be passed on to Buyer, as well as any other electronic data that was used to generate, illustrate or be used to present this web-site.
  • Large box (approximately 10”x 11” x 18”) containing tens of thousands of pages in reports will be shipped to Buyer, which is an accumulation of documents for the Queen of the Hills complex dating back to the early 1900s. The data and records were so extensive, we even had to limit how much we could even scan and post here on the website. So, there is likely several key gems (reports & data) that were missed as we were attempting to simplify this down to what we felt was more critical information.
  • 100% transfer of all 53 mining claims
  • Seller will cover all shipping, transfer fees (of mining claims) as well as ensure that the paperwork for the transfer is recorded & federally filed (based on state & federal law).
  • Offering third party Escrow (at Seller expense) to handle the financial transaction of mining claims. This is more of an assurance to the Buyer (who may not know our long-standing company reputation), that this will be transferred and handled following all the laws.